Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
How come you have never posted pictures of your guns here?

But I have. Sorry you missed them. You were probably busy campaigning for Barack Obama, the anti-gunner you told us you proudly voted for two times. Or maybe you were busy attempting to find some way to denigrate pro-gun politicians as you do every chance you get. Or you may have been busy composing threads about guns that you never had any intention of actually buying, such as your recent tire-kicking threads.

By the way, your recent claims that you voted for Trump after you spent the entire campaign posting negative remarks about him might fool Ed Good. But nobody with a brain is buying it.

And really, since I have been nothing but 100% pro-gun, pro-NRA, and pro 2nd Amendment... and never once supported an anti-gun politician... and have never pretended I was interested in buying some expensive double when I am so poor that I have to rent cheap Chinese .22's and put inexpensive guns on layaway... I don't think I have anything to prove to a Troll like you.

So once again, can you please tell us why you spend so much time here when you don't even own any doubles??? I have asked you that question about a hundred times with no reply.

Hope you're laying when you see pics of my latest acquisition. This double is so ugly it is actually frightening. Man, state of the art with sighting provided by Aimpoint Micro H-1.