Originally Posted By: King Brown
....If citizens were filling the streets world-wide in protest, as during Trump's first day....

....his scorn for intelligence services....as virulent as ever....

Oh, oh. It seems like a new talking point came out, eh King? It's starting to be a repeat theme. I thought these 'protesters' had to apply for permits weeks ago? Maybe, a little bit of a coordinated effort and planning, eh? Kind of a knee slapper when they 'planned' to snub hill from the 'women's march', shows how sincere they were about hill being the champion of gals, eh? I wonder why hill wasn't front-n-center for the alphabet homosexual marchers, or the various other race baiting haters? Maybe that lock step pc kumbaya ain't getting the kind of mileage the the dems promise, eh?

As for first day in office, didn't President Trump head over to the CIA today, with a little media sunshine on the pow wow?