Not sure what you mean by sovereign people, I hope it is not the same as sovereign citizen

As for not being stupid? Good for you, you live in a world where the alliance that protects your interests and saves you defense dollars is overwhelming supported by the US. Your country's leaders must have thought it was not in your interests.

Wilson's honorable legacy as a segregationist democrat whose naivety in foreign affairs helped lay the groundwork for the instability that lead to WWII. Which like WWI the US had to help bail Canada and its Allies out.

The supposed isolationist charge is the charge made by people who wanted the US over involved where the country's national interest were not in play against those who felt our interests were just that and no more. They never held the US should cocoon up away from the world, just involve ourselves reasonably. If you examine the accused isolationist foreign policy, it could be said to resembled Canada where it held back from involvements outside their interests.

Last edited by old colonel; 01/22/17 08:43 PM. Reason: Punctuation

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS