Originally Posted By: Ken61
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ken, earlier you promised accurately big doings on Trump's first day. It was Mars Attack, wasn't it, with world exploding in revulsion to his presidency. Except in your reviled Moscow where champagne corks were popping with Trump angling to restore Russia to a superpower to sell more beds.

False narrative. Fake News, Leftist Propaganda.

Anything else?

Yes, there is one other little thing...

But I expect that old hypocrite, I mean old colonel, is busy right now thumbing through his Thesaurus and dictionary, looking for the words to tell King that he has to stop these constant thread diversions.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Levin and Stevens, on this evidence, appear to believe that the Second amendment should only apply only to those who keep and bear arms while serving in the militia, and not as an individual right. Stevens goes further in his book, saying democratic processes should decide on the matter, not the judges, as a remedy for "what every American can recognize as an ongoing national tragedy."

Remember folks, my posting the King Brown quote above denying our Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms is an egregious thread diversion. But King droning endlessly on in multiple posts about the adventures of the Canadian military in WWI and WWII is right on topic with the subject of a Welcome to Donald Trump... at least in the mind of a hypocrite in denial.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.