Hey Lonesome, how about a Hinge Pin Grease thread where King tells us what his imaginary friend's John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King use on their hinge pins? Then he can veer wildly off topic and tell us about his pulpwood clear-cutting organization and his kilt/skirt that took more wool to cover his butt than the main sail of the Santa Maria.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Good one, JRB. Truth is anyone can see under a kilt if I'm sitting and don't keep my knees together. My wife chatters about it all the time.

I guess that covers the gender. As for the cold, they're warm enough: nine yards of finest Scottish wool; heavy cloth swings better as well.

Our soldier killed at the war memorial wore his kilt in full highland regimental dress, shot in the back by the nutter according to police report.

Our highland regiments wore kilts in combat during the First World War---Germans called them "Ladies from Hell---and Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Highlanders' piper went into battle pipes skirling in the Second.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.