I totally agree with Ken about the importance of diet and health, and the importance of diet in regarding chronic diseases. I have followed an eating regimen for at least 15 years that stresses a balance of protein, carbs, (good carbs), and fat. The proper ratio is 7 - 9- 3 ......... protein to carbs to fat. When I began that I lost steadily but slowly to a very lean physique. I no longer get hungry between meals, because I do not eat sweet rolls, candy, cakes, pies, white bread, rice, or white potatoes (all bad carbs) on a daily basis. Do I cheat occasionally? Yep. I love pecan pie. But the important thing to remember about how you eat is that it's not what you eat every now and then that is determines your health, it is what you eat every day.

I wish I could have gotten my father-in-law on this regimen before he came down with Parkinson's and Alzheimers, and died within three years from them. There are great discoveries being made concerning Parkinson's. Watch this.



May God bless America and those who defend her.