
My comment was specifically about English BEST, in the context of comparing the best the English made vs the very best America could produce. It wasnt a comment of the broader industry of English guns.


Please re-read carefully. You're picking a bone with my re-stating what I said? My point is exactly yours, that cost and [mostly] protectionist tariffs protected the American gun industry on the lower and middle end. I said it because another gentleman had asserted that he never sees lower end English guns at gun shows...which in his mind is because people are holding on to them while selling their clunky American guns. Hogwash, it was the tariffs.

As for my snarky car comment, that wasnt made in the context of tariffs, although as you point out, they are likewise affected. I brought up cars to point to a completely different manufacturing area where any notion of "quality superiority" on fhe part of our English or French friends is very obviously hogwash. My father owned an MG, my uncle a 1970's era Jaguar, and my mother owned a Volvo with Peugot guts (they did this for base models in the late 70's)

ALL were nightmares.

The point was simply to say that a quality aesthetic at the upper end of ONE INDUSTRY does not mean that as a blanket statement that country has a corner on quality. Although i might be willing to grant the Germans on this count. Even the simplest tools they seem to put care into.

- Nudge