Originally Posted By: eightbore
Some of us print old threads for research. That's how I'm going to find my early dates. By the way, I still occasionally use my long carriage IBM Selectric. I recently got an offer to buy it from a legal firm. I can't remember how they said they were going to use it.

Perhaps they wanted to use it to back date wills. wink

I too date back to the old board. How far back I no longer know but it must be twenty years as well. Lurked in the early days. Early days were a lot of banter and fun. There were several very heated threads over the virtues of the 16 and how mind numb those who disagreed about those "facts." I miss Old Lighting, John Mann, Bill Wise and Klunkmeister. A couple others, who are long gone, were such great sources of information and kind help. But even the nasty posters were more grouchy than mean and they often knew what they were talking about.