I had/have no interest in making this personal, and apologize if my outrage appears selective. Let me repeat: Adults may feel free to do whatever they wish regarding exposure to mercury.

I remember vividly when this image was published in Life magazine June 2, 1972. I decided then that there was a legitimate role for government in restraining evil; by the time the consequences made it to Tort or the Criminal Justice system it was far too late for the victims

I've also professionally seen the neuro-cognitive and behavioural consequences of chronic lead exposure in inner-city children.

Just trying to protect the kids Damascus, down the block or the other side of the world, and foolish enough to think possibly I can make some tiny difference, somewhere. And that's not just an empty hope. Personally treating these kid's intestinal parasites, and giving them multivitamins and food might do just that. No, they are mine either, but I believe we have the same Father