Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: old colonel
Keith, I am sorry my errors in grammar, spelling, and typing on my blackberry and mini pad have frustrated you. Not sure exactly why that is so; normally I am able to read though errors of others, understand what they mean without getting so excited as to name call.

Perhaps if I try harder, I can live up to your high standards

If my "ignorance" frustrates you, I guess you could use the ignore feature and not read my errors. That would save you some posting energy.

Bless you,

PS It is not disingenuous when I say "Bless you'" as I genuinely wish you would be blest into not posting as you do. It is also better than adopting a negative name calling and generally nasty approach toward you in response to your posts.

Gladys Kravitz, I mean old colonel;

In Re: Your latest off topic thread diversion...

Contrary to what you think, your spelling and grammatical errors, along with your frequent malapropisms and sometimes unintelligible statements, do not frustrate me. They do amuse me on the one hand, yet they also disappoint me when I think of the tax dollars that were wasted on attempting to educate you.

I note that you have suggested several times now, that I use the IGNORE function to ignore your posts. I find that rather odd considering that you began this little exchange by sending me unsolicited PM's and hypocritical responses to posts I made that had absolutely nothing to do with you. Prior to that, I had never responded to anything you posted here. Like an estrogen fueled, nosy, whiny old woman, you made it your mission to PM me several times, then to ignore me, and then to return to become a self appointed thread Moderator dedicated to criticizing me.

And now you actually expect me to not respond to your lunacy, hypocrisy, and ignorance? You now seriously suggest that I should IGNORE you if I don't like reading your asinine posts??? You may be dumber than I initially thought. You can keep right on wishing and hoping and even praying that you will change me. I assure you that you won't. I have never used the IGNORE function, and I won't be starting now. And as I've reminded you several times now, disingenuous blessings from whiny pin-headed hypocrites in denial are not needed. When I can upset someone like you Gladys, it makes me smile.

You initiate an attack and name call and claim I am creating a diversion by polite response. Implicit in that thought is you are immune from response and persons attacked in your post should yield to your infinite wit and be silent; a rather arrogant proposition.

Your post claims my errors do not bother you. However, your postings about them show otherwise. Or are they just an excuse to be insulting? Perhaps I should err all the time in order to occupy the focus of your mature and witty postings.

In the past you have espoused I should ignore you. I have repeatedly returned the recommendation. If that bothers you be it. I have ignored you at times in the past as your posts are a bother, but have decided for the time being I will not as to do so yields the floor to bullying posts.

You have stated in the past you attack me because I offended you by sending you PMs (I add in which I was both polite and respectful) and that I stuck my nose into other threads (I had the audacity to argue against your diversions and attacks). I translate your position to be no one should oppose you or you will haunt their future posts with derision. Not a very gentlemanly position or a support for the First Amendment.

Your posts create an atmosphere of repressive speech. Your negative posts have more in common with the leftists at Middlebury who insisted on insulting and shouting down opposing thought. Ultimately these negative posts make this a place where people may not want to freely exchange ideas because they dont want to bother with your negative posts

The bottom-line is I will continue to post against your thread diversions and insults when I feel like it. I have little doubt your posts will continue to contain infantile name calling and otherwise insulting silliness. Your negative posts demonstrate the quality of your thought. Rather sad, as you are capable of quality posts with well thought out opinions. That said, your quality posts show the deliberate nature of your negative postings.

I continue to genuinely wish you well and hope you can find a way to cease your attacking diversions and insults.

Bless You

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS