Originally Posted By: keith
To read some of the remarks about this tragic attack, one might think this sort of thing is rare.

In the last 30 days, there were 131 Islamic attacks in 22 countries, in which 985 people were killed and 1093 injured. Here's some very interesting reading about Islam, the so-called Religion of Peace.


Once again, Larry and Jagermeister are making silly excuses for Muslim extremism. To listen to Jagermeister, you'd think this sort of thing began with George Bush 43. This battle has been going on for centuries, and planting your head in the sand, or pretending it isn't real isn't going to make it go away. Muslims are "only" six times more likely than the general population to commit acts of terror. The cult called Islam is different. Those who refuse to believe it are part of the problem.

Who should the Europeans blame for masses of refugees from mostly Muslim countries at their borders?