That's not what you told us Jagermeister. Why should we believe you now?

And why does a guy who acts as if he knows everything about doubles and guns of all kinds need advice from ""... whatever the hell that is? What advice could loweicki. pl give to a bloviator who seems to know more about doubles than McIntosh, Trevallion, Brister or Brophy??? Also, you recently told us about the great job you have, and the big raise you got. So why do you need to put relatively cheap guns on layaway?

The numbers still don't add up pertaining to the number of guns you have claimed to own just since January of this year.

And since you still don't own even one lousy double gun, wouldn't you be more at home on some Remington semi-auto internet forum??? That assumes you really bought a 16 gauge Remington semi-auto. What next? Are you going to tell us you are an award winning wine maker like your Canadian friend?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.