Originally Posted By: El Garro
Anyone who is prepared to kill innocent people in the name of ANY religion is inhuman.

JOe, England (or the whole UK) isn't a quaint little country anymore. We don't wear shirts and ties on a weekend or play cricket on the village green these days. The people here have not been able to stop the changes made by the E U and have been sold down the river by a succession of weak/corrupt and even criminal politicians. This situation is not our doing. We don't like it and are just peering over the horizon to a fresh start without unelected faceless money grabbing politicians making rules for us whether we like it or not. I see valid points in the majority of the posts I've read here but don't forget, if our enemy understands what it means to divide and conquer, they're ahead on points already.
That's not a dig at anyone in particular, just my view. People have had their lives cut short by a murderer. Let's not forget that.

Exactly....finally an Englishman with sense.

England should be about ready for a Muslim cleansing.