Okay, so we all know how the English gun is held up as the pinnacle of perfection in the shotgun making world, and often it is said things like "The English sure knew how to get it right, they've been at it for a long time". Or, "The English had perfected the shotgun before anyone else even began to figure it out".

Let's examine this for a moment. While I am quite willing to give the English credit where due, and there is much due, just which gunmakers have been around the longest, and arguably the most successfully?

The oldest American gunmaker is Remington, dating it's beginnings at 1816. The oldest English gunmaker that I am aware of is Westley Richards, who it is said began in 1812. Then, where do we go? Let's see ........ well, I guess we must give "honorable mention" to those Italians, eh? The inimitable Beretta, who began supplying the gun making trade in , uh, hmmm, .......oh yes, the year 1526. Getting mighty close to 500 years of continuous gun making.

There should be another word to use to describe Beretta besides "iconic". The word falls short of conveying fully what the company represents. But, age isn't everything, you say. Quality must account for something, too. Can anyone argue that Beretta figured it out a looong time ago? The world is saturated with Beretta doubleguns that just keep on going, and going and going, seldom if ever being returned to the maker, or a gunsmith for repair.

Just who really got it right? All you boys, tighten up your knickers, tilt your sporty driving cap jauntily to the side and give it your best shot. Just who in the gun making field can come close to the reputation and success of the Italian firm Beretta?


May God bless America and those who defend her.