Stan, I'm not sure I see you're point. You seem to be saying Beretta are the best firm. But you have also bought British gunmaking into your thinking, alongside Remington and how long the firms have been going. Oh and by the way, it's Anglophile, nothing to do with telephones!

I'll take it that what you're getting at is that you feel Beretta are the greatest. I believe this is an extremely subjective area and that we'd all end up arguing for those firms that we especially like, follow or support. It's much the same as some folk think Bentley is better than Rolls, or Lotus is better than Porsche, or Ford better than GM. Get a pub full of enthusiasts and they'll back whichever firm they feel most interested in, most loyal to or which they've followed for longest. Much the same for followers of football teams - or cricket teams, since you bought the Brits into it!

Either way, it'll make for lively discussion.
