Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
A readable and accurate translation of Mournetas though???...Geo

Well Geo, if it would be too costly to get permission to publish an English version, you could always go this route:

Or I could give you the kind of advice that we get from Jagermeister, the weird Libtard who doesn't even own any doubles and posts crap like this:

Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
When you get tired of two piper a new 16ga Auto-5 inertia driven semi-auto is excellent substitute. With 26" it has low weight and excellent handling. By changing choke tube you can select pattern you like with different loads. It is modern international design with parts from all over the world assembled at a secret location.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.