240 like the hone you show grit not all that aggressive and probably a good one for a rough not rusted chamber job. Some good charts on line showing the grit rating different compounds, papers, steel wool, 3 M pads etc, worth a look. Guessing only shiny chamber raw metal not coated with something like Crome, probably finished 400 or 600.

My go to for rough starts is Permetex valve grinding compound. 150 I think it is, don't stay with it any longer than needed then move through the grits smoothing out the lines one before left.

Outside work on my lathe this weekend finished with 2000 grit paper. Shines like a mirror. From 150 start 10 papers to get to 2000 . Main thing any finish work is go through the grits methodically don't skip one stop when it's good enough.


Last edited by Boats; 04/10/17 06:08 AM.