OK Skeettx, allow me to welcome Longwalker on his first post here.

Welcome to the DoubleGunShop forum Longwalker. You will find a lot of useful information here. But like any internet forum, you will also find people who pretend to be things that they are not. There are guys like Jagermeister who act like they are double-gun experts, yet they do not own even one lousy double gun. Then there's Ed, who seems to be an expert at selling tarted up junk and supporting restrictions on our gun rights. And you will find people like Last Dollar who defend their right to deceive us. You will note that some people are offended by me reminding new guys like you that Trolls like Ed Good or King Brown continually work to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights. But they apparently are not offended by the anti-gunners in our midst. Weird, huh?

There. Do you feel better now Skeettx? To me, that NRA Benefactor Seal means we should always stand up to those who work to undermine our Gun Rights. Always. What does it mean to you?

I just wanted Longwalker to know that we have some anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment wolves in sheep's clothing lurking here. I think that's being helpful too... knowing who is stabbing us all in the back. Ed pretends he's a gun guy, but his own words betray him. I didn't say those things. Ed did. Ed and King thought their anti-gun rhetoric was all hidden from the world when Dave locked the old Misfire forum. But I saved almost all of it, and Ed doesn't like it a bit. Ed also did not help Longwalker with his initial question.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.