Ed, it is simply dishonest of you to act as if you don't know that you sold this gun. The pictures of this same Trojan have been posted here many times to remind everyone of the tarted up crap you sell. There have been many other similar pictures of other crap you sold... guns with grotesque acetylene torch color burned metal actions... guns with bent top levers which made it appear at first glance that the top lever was right of center... guns that were photographed slightly opened so that the top lever was to the right... etc., etc.

So where did Drew insinuate that you or any other person worked on the crap guns you frequently sell? It was you who told us that Master Gunsmith Old Ed Lander does a lot of your work. Why is it not fair for Drew or anyone else to repeat what you yourself has said repeatedly over the years? Do you think we all have short memories?

Here's a link to an old thread that contains numerous other links to other threads documenting the very things you'd like us all to forget. Once a Troll... Always a Troll. Yes you are Ed.


Hey Ed, remember when I took a break from this place for several months after my Dad died? Remember how you said that you missed me?

Last edited by keith; 04/26/17 05:52 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.