You're not crazy Ed. Crazy is just soooo politically incorrect.

Profound mental illness would be a better description of your behavior, in my opinion.

Are you forgetting that your address in Francistown, N.H, has been posted here a couple times in the past? I won't post it, but it is listed on the BATFE Public Information FFL List, and anyone can Google it. I was merely interested whether you are complying with the law yet by having regular business hours, which was a question on your application for the FFL?

These quotes are from our friend Dave K., from the old Misfires thread "WHERE IS ED GOOD'S GUN SHOP?" They questioned whether your one bedroom house met the requirements for a legal Firearms Business.

Originally Posted By: Dave K
From the ATF:

One of the requirements under 18 U.S.C. 923(d)(1) for approval of a dealer’s license is that the
applicant has in a State premises from which he conducts business subject to a license or from
which he intends to conduct such
business within a reasonable period of time. The term
“business premises” is defined n 26 CFR 178.11 to mean: “The property on which firearms or
ammunition importing, manufacturing or dealing business is or will be conducted. A private
dwelling, no par
t of which is open to the public, shall not be recognized as coming within the
meaning of the term.”
The type of business premises, as well as the business hours, is required
by 26 CFR 178.44 to be included on the application for a firearms dealer’s licen

It is also provided in 18 U.S.C. 923(g) that the premises of a licensee may be entered during
business hours for the purpose of inspecting or examining records or documents required to be
kept as well as any firearms or ammunition kept or stored at su
ch premises

Originally Posted By: Dave K
" A private
dwelling, no part of which is open to the public, shall not be recognized as coming within the meaning of the term.” The type of business premises, as well as the business hours, is required
by 26 CFR 178.44 to be included on the application for a firearms dealer’s license."

Ed what are your business hours ?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.