Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Originally Posted By: canvasback

As is so often the case, Ken, you are on the money with both of these replies. Islam does not want to live in peace with fellow religions and the pessimistic view of society espoused by JM is reflective of the pessimistic view statists have of everyone.

I sincerely hope that your country meets its financial obligations to NATO and our mutual cooperation keeping North America safe for us and our future generations. I thank your people for continued support and cooperation.

JM, I hope so too.

As a citizen of Canada I've done what I can since I turned 18 forty years ago to elect responsible politicians who will commit to and live up to what are our appropriate obligations, at home and around the world. Unwaveringly, in every single election.

But, as a citizen of a constitutional monarchy, governed by laws enacted by elected representatives of the people, as you well know and decry, I am saddled with that pesky concept called democracy.

It was a valiant effort to try to shame me, JM, but I'm having none of it.

BTW, JM, what country are you from and what was that country's contribution to WWI & WWII?

Last edited by canvasback; 05/29/17 02:55 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia