Originally Posted By: Der Ami
You sound like a "man after my own heart", mine is pretty much like yours, with a couple exceptions. I learned to carry hot chocolate when I was fighting prostate problems. I could sit 4 1/2 hours w/o getting up( also swivel chair with arms), When my first grandson was born, 23 years ago, I stopped smoking altogether, from a 2 pack a day habit. I go in a Ford Ranger, right up close to the ground blind. Using care when bushhogging can make a close parking place, behind bushes ( now the son of a friend has to do it. There is a nice 150 yd long, but narrow food plot in front( last year, I killed a 17 1/2" 9 pointer there. BTW, a VW Bug makes a very good hunting car. A German Hunter friend had one with the right front seat removed, and he could carry about as much as a mini pick up. Oh, I almost forgot, I used to use gas heaters, but found either a sleeping bag, with arms or wool blanket( depending on temp.) much easier in the long run.

We use Coleman catalytic heaters. They are silent and work well. We bought several years ago at gun shows for very little. Both blinds are quite tight and heat up easily.

This buck was a 19" inside spread ten point.

Last edited by Dick Wright; 06/04/17 08:47 AM.

Dick Wright