Fake news has been on going trend by mainstream media for decades. Few remember NBC news show Dateline got caught with their fake Chevy truck gas tank fire. For those who don't here is what happened. They over filled the gas tank, put a wrong gas cap on it and did not tighten it down, then placed model rocket engines under the gas tank set to go off on impact. They claimed the impact caused a small puncture of the tank. It did not as was proved later upon close examination and confirmed by both pressure test and xray examination.

Or if your rather look at ABC they were reporting all Ford were going to blow up in rear end collisions. Or CBS which got caught faking CJ Jeep roll overs on highway test. Their method was to turn the wheel by robot about twice the maximum rate a human could while increasing the acceleration while try to avoid an obstruction in the road. When forced to admit they doctored the test they fell back on their results but failed to mention they got eight roll overs in 435 test doing things which a human drive could not do. Plus it only happen after repeated attempt wore the tread off the tire. 60 Minute's in 1986 attack on the Audi 5000 being a demon controlled car which has been totally debunked. Few remember the burning of all the black churches in the South during the Clinton years. Never happened.

Networks twist fact to suit the story they are trying to tell not report facts and let the viewers decide. Every get tired of homeless stories when a Republican is in the White House? Funny they stop the very day a Democrat get in there. The mainstream media is made up almost entirely of Liberals who all feel they know more than the rest of the World and feel that they can do what ever they must in their cause to reshape the World. They have no moral compass and will lie when it suits and convince themselves they are right to do so. Fox news decides it must be a counter weight but at least they do bring on liberals to give a second side of the story sometimes the rest never do. Oh they bring on another Liberal claiming to be a moderate and by the end of the segment they have been converted to the liberal viewpoint. What a miracle.

The reason viewership of mainstream new is down is that they have all gotten caught too often faking, shading and lying to be trusted. Most people who watch news now go to a network which tends to tell stories that they want to hear and that agree with their viewpoint.