If you happen to go through Macon you might stop at the Cannonball House.

ExploreSouthernHistory.com - Cannonball House in Macon, Georgia
ExploreSouthernHistory.com - Cannonball House in Macon, Georgia

Cannonball House
The "Cannonball House" is a noted landmark in
Macon, Georgia. The beautiful old structure was
struck by artillery fire during the Battle of Dunlap Hill.


Copyright 2010 by Dale Cox
All rights reserved.
Cannonball House
A Union cannonball crashed
into the house during the
Battle of Dunlap Hill on July
30, 1864.
Cannon made in Macon
The bronze cannon on display
in front of the Cannonball
House was manufactured at
the Macon Arsenal in 1864.

Greek Revival Architecture
The Cannonball House is an
outstanding example of Greek
Revivial architecture and was
built in 1853.
Cannonball House & Confederate Museum - Macon, Georgia
Historic Home of Judge Asa Holt

Judge Asa Holt
The Cannonball House was
owned by Judge Asa Holt
during the War Between the
States and still bears scars of
the conflict.
The historic Cannonball House is beautiful
example of Greek Revival architecture that
overlooks Mulberry Street in Macon, Georgia.

Now a Confederate museum, the structure
earned its name when it was damaged by
Union cannon fire during the Battle of Dunlap
Hill (sometimes called Dunlap's Farm) on
July 30, 1864. A cannonball fired from across
the Ocmulgee River struck the left middle
column of the house and then crashed into
the house, landing with a thud on the hall

The damage resulted from intentional firing
on Southern civilians by Northern troops led
by Brigadier General George Stoneman.

May God bless America and those who defend her.