Alright I broke down and did the math. A 750 grain bullet with a muzzle velocity if 2750 fps, which is a fairly average 50 cal BMG round, will drop -2275.7" at 2000 yards. Shooting into any wind would make it more. That's assuming calm conditions. Converted into feet is 189.6 feet drop. On top of that the bullet will drift due to spin and the Earths rotation. But those factors have already been worked before hand and they get added into the setting for the scope. Might be 10' or might be more. My minds tired from figuring out the drop.

I once killed a crow with a .22 lr in my youth. Had a 30 -35 mph cross wind and the crow was 200 plus yards away. .22 was sighted for 50 yards I think. Anyways I held about 4 1/2' into the wind and 3' above the crow shooting off hand. No rest. Just a pure guess work shot kids take while leading its harder than it looks. Bullet took a couple seconds of reach the crow and killed it instantly. As luck would have it I even had a witness. If I had to do it again I could not hit it once in a hundred times.