You're both correct. Probably shouldn't have gotten my feet wet or even waded in. Left out the direct correlation between velocity to Max pressure part didn't I. There isn't one that will stand alone.

Only point that I was trying to make & did a poor job of is that velocities from the low noise/low-recoil levels in the 900+fps range can and do break clay targets as well as suitable sized pellets traveling at 1200fps & more and that Max pressures running from as little as 5K to industry Max levels can and have been measured in some published recipes and they all will work at skeet ranges.

Wonk's saying the cartridge, shooter & target would not know the dif. is an accurate assessment when applied to the OP's Q regarding worn hulls & ugly mouths.

Will also acknowledge that most powder companies avoid publishing low Max pressure loads and I have been told by more than one ballistician employed in the industry it is because reliability is frequently compromised at low temps w/many loads below 7K even though they may be fine in our triple digit summer temps here. Little point in publishing a recipe that might lead to their product being spoken ill of.

OTOH, using PB in 12ga. rounds, if you are fortunate enough to have any, can produce adequate velocity w/quite low Max pressures even in cold temps, not that it was asked.

Best I stop digging, eh? This hole is deep enough. Y'all have a great day. I'm going to the club and shoot [or shoot at may be the better descriptor] some clays.. w/ugly reloads;-)