Mr. Brown, your response is simply a logical fallacy known as an appeal to authority i.e. Because a publication you judge to be an authority affirms a proposition then the proposition has to be true. The material you quoted isn't fact. It is editorial opinion.

Here's one for you. According to a story by Reuters, a "distinguished" news service with a fairly wide readership in Canada, 48% of Canadians want illegal immigrants to Canada deported and a similar percentage disapprove of the Prime Minister's handling of immigration. According to the same source, many asylum seekers in Canada wait months or even years to have their cases heard. In the interim, many cannot find jobs or places to live.

So, is Canada "tragically divided"? 48% is a big number. Or is it all rainbows and unicorns and rivers of chocolate in the Great White North, as you would frequently have us believe?

Nothing the government gives you is free.