Gee King, you'd think I was trying to take away your rights to be an anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, and anti-NRA Troll. I was merely performing a Public Service Announcement by reproducing your own words and your own anti-gun rhetoric and sentiments. As always, my opinions of you are based solely upon your own words and actions. I feel it is important for guys here to know and understand that there are Trojan Horses and back stabbers within the ranks of gun owners. Welcoming people like you into Last Dollars insane "Big Tent" of gun owners is about as intelligent as injecting yourself with cancer cells and carcinogenic chemicals. This is a big reason why there is your so-called "ongoing debate" about the meaning of the 2nd Amendment and the original intent of the Framers. Infringements upon our gun rights come directly from people like you and the anti-gun politicians you support. You pretend to be a friend to us, but you stab us in the back.

People like you, King Brown, along with Ed Good and the Liberal Left Democrat politicians and anti-gunners you so staunchly support and defend are always working to plant the seeds of doubt in the minds of the general public. It was you King Brown, who once again made your wild, false, and erroneous claim that the Supreme Court and the NRA rewrote history and changed the clear intent of the Framers. Many times, myself and others have provided quotes made by the Framers both before and after the ratification of the Constitution which clearly explained their rationale behind the 2nd. But always, you return with more of the same anti-gun propaganda as the Jeffrey Toobin article you posted here in this thread a couple days ago in your post #483805. But even when accurately informed, you return with more anti-gun bullshit.

Some folks ask why I keep this front and center... why I won't just let this go? I do it because the anti-gunners like you never quit. In my opinion, the only time you stop is when you are being deceptive, and again trying to make the dishonest claim that you are pro-gun or have never seen any anti-gun sentiment on this site. That is just laughable King. Imagine if I and several others were frequently posting the "N-word" and racist slurs, along with articles by David Duke, and KKK propaganda. Imagine us promoting the Grand Wizard of the KKK for President, and denigrating his opposition at every opportunity. Then imagine me piously and sincerely saying that I have never seen any racist sentiment here... and making lame and weak excuses that we are just reporting on an ongoing debate.

That is exactly what you are doing here. I've posted dozens of your anti-gun quotes, along with those of your pal Ed Good. Earlier in this thread, I put some of your own words in BOLD TYPE in my post #403804 just to illustrate plainly that this anti-gun propaganda is your own sentiment, and not merely reporting on the opinions of anti-gun Supreme Court Justices or Ed Good. I wonder how Ed Good feels about you now throwing him under the bus in yet another attempt to claim that you are not here to undermine our gun rights with your anti-gun rhetoric and opinions. That is why, in my opinion, you are the most dishonest person to ever soil the pages of this online firearms enthusiasts forum. You are a complete fraud, and you would have to be mentally ill to be in total denial about your own words when they are unedited and directly quoted for you.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.