Yes Geo, it is always best to IGNORE someone by repeatedly responding to them! Last Dollar and Larry Brown both do that. I would have bet you were smarter than them.

I didn't comment on your friendship with the anti-2nd Amendment Troll King Brown other than to note that you had possession of that old newspaper article about him long before you decided to post it as another non-Double Gun off-topic thread. You don't seem to want to discuss that Geo. It just seemed strange that a guy like you, who acted like he didn't like the sort of contentious discussion generated by things like that, knowingly and admittedly started a shit-storm... and then responded to my recognition of the fact by pretending to IGNORE me... just as I am now doing to you...

I'm glad your kennel reference seems to make you happy. All it did for me was to remind me about your friend King telling us how he abused his dog by prying his mouth open and hawkering a couple big green loogies down his throat when the poor thing was frightened.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Mike, I only did it that one time. Two big ones down his throat.

Well, it was nice pretending to IGNORE each other. So until the next time you pretend to IGNORE me by responding to me...

See Ya!

Selby... or Jack, or John M... whatever... a rose by any other name, etc. cool

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.