Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ah, Jack, gotta give you an A for effort. If the individual right were so clear to Americans there wouldn't be a hot and glowing national debate over the Second's meaning. Or thousands of jurisdictions making regulations as they see it.
The word "individual" doesn't change the context. The enduring debate is part of your history.

Why would the word "INDIVIDUAL" or the singular "MAN" change the context or define the intent for you and other Liberal Left anti-gunners just like you King Brown?

The only reason there is this "hot and glowing debate" over the clear meaning of the 2nd Amendment is because anti-gunners like you are in denial of the truth.

You still never answered my question about the other Amendments that include the words, "the right of the People", and whether they intend an individual or a collective right. Nor did you offer up proof that the Framers intended the 2nd Amendment to deny individual the right to keep and bear arms. You also didn't prove your repeated lie that the Supreme Court and the NRA rewrote history.

You instead did what frauds and liars like you do so often, and danced away from questions you cannot answer.

You grossly exaggerate the number of jurisdictions that are still in violation of the 2008 Heller and McDonald Supreme Court rulings. Those few that still do are doing dishonest and illegal end-runs around the law, and they will not prevail. The only reason there are Infringements upon the rights of law abiding gun owners in some localities is because they have become controlled by Liberal Left Democrats who deny the clear meaning of the 2nd Amendment and violate our Constitutional Rights. Those are people just like you King... and the anti-gun politicians you support and defend.

If violation of Constitutional Rights or other laws made them meaningless, and subject for enduring debate, then it could be argued that rape or murder is OK just because some criminals with sick minds do those things. By your irrational definition, we could just as easily defend segregation, racism, or even slavery.

That about sums up your mindset King. You are sick. You are a mentally ill anti-gun Troll in total denial of facts, clear words, and clear meaning, as patiently and repeatedly explained by the very Framers who wrote those words. And you are dishonest to the core of your being.

Hell, you are in denial of your own words only minutes or days after you yourself post them here. You are frequently in denial of your own words even after I post direct and unedited quotes of what you said. It takes a very sick and deranged person to act like that. It's not at all surprising to also hear that someone like you abuses a frightened dog by prying its' mouth open and hawkering a couple big green loogies down his throat. You have to be sick to do that, and you have to be even sicker to brag about it.

You have been here for years attempting to undermine our Constitutional Rights and freedoms, and I intend to always make certain that you get the credit you deserve. In this thread, you have cemented your reputation as an anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, and anti-NRA troll.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.