King, your pal Last Dollar couldn't care less about the original topic of this thread. Note that he didn't post here until the subject got turned to your denial of the clear meaning of the 2nd Amendment.

Last Dollar is well known for disrupting any 2nd Amendment discussion, and this is no exception. He is nearly as big a fraud as you. He pretends to IGNORE me because I recognize and point out that fact. Last Dollar is one of the fools who thinks we should embrace and welcome anti-2nd Amendment guys like you into the "Big Tent" of gun owners so that you can more easily stab us in the back.

Speaking of fraud, here's more of your ignorant denial of the facts... facts that were finally affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008 in two separate decisions, and facts that you remain in total denial about:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
If Americans could agree on an answer to your questions, no forever debate. "People" is the catch: what did the Framers mean and in what context with Militia? It's now a constitutional debate, with citizens' fear or favour of appointments to the Court changing laws one way or the other.

Suppose you tell us what you think the Framers meant by "People" and what they meant when they said the "Militia" was composed of the whole people. Are you going to tell us that the "whole people" is just the police and military, or the National Guard, as your equally ignorant and equally anti-gun friend Ed Good thinks?

Originally Posted By: ed good
some view the current version of a well regulated militia as your local unarmed volunteer fire department...augmented by your local armed town police force.

what used to be militia is now your state's national guard, which is under the command of your state's governor... and your state guard is subject to call up and command of the president of the united states...

The meaning and intent of the 2nd Amendment is not now a Constitutional debate King. It is settled law. Only anti-gun frauds like you refuse to accept that, and continue to attempt to subvert the clear meaning of simple words like "People".

But you have a long history of attempting to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights, don't you King? Here's a post form Pete made on 5/6/07 in his post #38538 where he informed you of the findings of the Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary US Senate, 97th Congress second session 2/82.

Originally Posted By: Pete
The Supreme Court has NEVER viewed the 2nd Amendment as a collective right. The socialist King Brown from socialist Canada may like to think so, but he is deluded. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms was investigated in the Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary US Senate, 97th Congress second session 2/82.There were even some severe low lifes on the committee like Teddy Kennedy, Howard Metzenbaum, Joe Biden, and Dennis DeConcini. The obvious conclusion was that it was an individual right originating as a natural right from God and guaranteed in the Constitution. Moreover, after it passed, later in the day someone tried to rephrase it as a collective right, and that was defeated.

You acted as if you accepted the education you got in that anti-gun thread you posted, but you have always reverted back to the same crap... not just reporting history, but presenting your own anti-gun, anti 2nd Amendment, and anti-NRA sentiments and rhetoric.

This is your legacy here. This is what I can't wait to post as a memorial to you in Silent Doubles. Please hurry, you dishonest old anti-gunner.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.