Geo Newbern is correct. Settled law, and even the Constitution itself can be amended. I mentioned earlier that the Framers themselves instituted a legal process for that. I also noted that anti-gunners like you are always working to illegally go around that process by the use of unconstitutional laws, regulations, and Liberal left judicial activism. That's why intelligent gun owners don't vote for or support anti-2nd Amendment politicians as you do King.

I find it odd that Geo Newbern considers you a friend, although you work so tirelessly to destroy something he purports to enjoy so much. I guess it's true... there's no accounting for taste.

It's good to see that you recognize that Hillary and Obama are anti-gun... as you are King Brown.

It's good to note again that you supported him and even lied to us here about his anti-gun legislative activities:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

The quote above takes us back to the quote I provided yesterday from Sara Brady about the necessity to do anything, even lie in order to bring about the eventual banning of all guns. You are a good little foot-soldier for the anti-gunners King. You lie to us all the time about your anti-gun rhetoric and sentiments. You often attempt to LULL U.S. gun owners into complacency about the threat that Liberal Left Democrats pose to our gun rights.

If the 2nd-Amendment is ever damaged or eliminated, it will be because of anti-gunners like you King. Wherever there are infringements on the Constitutional Rights of law abiding gun owners, they come from anti-gunners just like you King. You can deny your anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, and anti-NRA sentiment all you want, but your continued attempts to deny and refute the clear language of the 2nd, and your attempts to subvert the clear meaning of simple words like "PEOPLE" show us that you are no friend to us.

I wait for the day that I can memorialize you by posting all of your anti-2nd Amendment crap in Silent Doubles as an accurate representation of the Trojan Horse that so frequently lied to us and attempted to undermine us. Please hurry, you disgusting old fraud.

By the way, you still didn't answer my questions.


Selby Jack John M. Lowndes

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.