I'm just sick and tired of having a lying, dog abusing, foreign Socialist piece of crap coming here and attempting to undermine our Constitutional Rights by posting anti-gun propaganda and verifiable falsehoods. There is no joy and no challenge in debating one such as you, who is so totally dishonest as to be in denial of their own unedited words.

There is nothing either irrational or un-American about wishing to preserve our freedoms or confronting abject dishonesty, King. It would be irrational to ignore it, and un-American to permit it to stand.

You have gone far beyond reminding us what a Liberal Left former Supreme Court Justice and Liberal left legal analysts have said while also perverting the clear language and clear intent of the Framers, pertaining to the 2nd Amendment. I have already proven that by putting your own opinions and sentiments which agree with the anti-gunners in BOLD TYPE.

Stop pretending that you are merely reporting what you see from other anti-gunners. You support their positions and you post their lies and nonsense to support your own anti-gun positions. You have been at this for years. Here is some of your anti-2nd Amendment crap from a thread you started in 2007:


You still refuse to answer the simple questions I posed. You would still rather evade the truth at all costs. Since all we have to look forward to from you is more of your dishonesty, evasiveness, and anti-2nd Amendment dogma, we'd all be better off if you'd just croak and go to hell, or wherever Godless atheist liars like you go. I note that one of your fellow Canadians has also suggested recently that he would be happy to see you croak:

Originally Posted By: oldstarfire
As a fellow Canadian, I feel your pain and do not understand why you tolerate these foreigners (Americans) who give you only derision and abuse, not acknowledging your wisdom. They have abandoned the utopia of Canadian style unlimited taxation and micro-regulation for the hardscrabble life of self determination and freedom. Soon they will learn.
However, I note the Leonard Cohen has passed away, a close associate of yours, I am sure. I note that he is being (for all his shortcomings) lionized, as is typical for deceased people. SO, here is Your opportunity to achieve sainthood, by emulating your friend Leonard. Then those louts will remember you fondly.
A Fellow CAnadian.

Originally Posted By: oldstarfire
Go for sainthood.
Stop embarrassing Canada.

Originally Posted By: oldstarfire
Forget it CB, Brown is obviously a confirmed liberal acolyte troll, and a (IMHO) demented old fool.
The sooner he meets with Lenny, the better.

Satan would probably kick you out of hell for making him look like a goody-two-shoes King. I've known some seriously dishonest people, but you beat them all.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.