Not a chance King.

I am not your Benefactor. I am not here to permit your anti-gun sentiments to fade from peoples' memories, as you have benefited from so often in the past. I am not here to make silly excuses for you, dismissing you as a senile old man as so many here do.

I am an NRA Benefactor... that is true. As such, I do not think that merely paying some dues, making frequent donations, and wearing a hat or lapel pin is enough when there are people like you who work tirelessly to undermine our rights and freedoms. NRA membership is more than a lousy tag line for me King. These are my Constitutional rights you are threatening with your lies and anti-gun rhetoric.

I will give this a rest after I post as much of your anti-2nd Amendment crap as I can as a permanent memorial to you in Silent Doubles. It will be a glorious tribute to you King... I've saved all of your anti-gun quotes including those from the long running thread "Is Kingsley Brown an Anti-Gunner?" You've added some more proof of your sentiments right here in this thread.

Please hurry King. Give us all a rest from your dishonesty and your anti-gun sentiments.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.