Originally Posted By: keith
Old Colonel,

Thank you for re-posting that response to the anti-gunner Ed Good.

The anti-gun rhetoric posted here by Trolls like King Brown and Ed Good needs to be highlighted often so that FUDDS understand that there is a very real and constant threat to our rights from anti-gunners who act as if they are on our side.

They aren't!

I'd much rather discuss our double rifles and double shotguns, but if we allow anti-gunners to erode and eventually take away our gun rights... then discussion will be all we have... assuming of course, that the Liberal Left Socialist anti-gunners do not then go after our free speech rights.

History suggest they absolutely will. See how they worked to prevent Conservatives like Anne Coulter, Ben Shapiro, and others from speaking on college campuses. Note how frenzied they are about Trump and his Tweeting the truth about the dishonest Liberals and the Media. If he was really making a fool of himself, as they say, they should be happy to let him self-destruct... just as I am happy to see King Brown self-destruct by showing everyone his anti-2nd Amendment sentiment and his dishonest denials of the same.


Your welcome, but I did it to memorialize in context your statement of hate. You have frustrated me several times in the past editing out and or deleting statements you have made.

While I fervently disagree with King and others on this board I cannot find it in my heart to hate them personally, however repugnant I may find their views.

I have found emotion drivened reason deceptive to its writer at times. Further though honestly felt, foolishly done, undercutting the value of the principle being pushed.

I believe hate comes from fear and can become a grievous fault; like looking forward to someone's death.

The civil discourse in this country is currently in a rather horrid state. I blame the illiberal left for the biggest part of this, but it cannot be done without the collaboration of the right in some part. Conservatives can be their own worst enemy.

Our nation is a long way from resolving this problem, and I believe things will get worse before they improve. I would rather they not on this website where I believe if we focus on doubleguns we can get along.

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS