King, responding to your comments on Beechers Island fight..We have so many indian battle sites around here that they are just that. At the time of that fight, everyone, Gummint, Settlers, Army, Railroad wanted the Indians gone from this part of the country. The liberals in the east were raising cane about the way the army was killing the Indians, so to take the heat off POTUS, U.S Grant and Billy Sherman came up with a plan. They got hold of their pal George Forsyth , and authorized him to hire 50-60 seasoned men, pay and arm them well, and send them out to find, harass and kill every indian they could find. That way the armies hands were clean. Beechers Island today has a story board of sorts, a few site markers, and thats all..The entire site was "rearranged" by the flood of 1935..