Old Colonel,

I am just shocked and scandalized that you found hate in that reply to Ed Good that you quoted just to permanently memorialize. I hope nobody faints or wets their panties over it. And I find it extremely dishonest and disingenuous for you to make the claim that I have either edited or deleted any of my posts to hide from them or to frustrate you. I have always answered you in detail, and have been disappointed to find that you only seem to see the parts of my replies that frustrate or bother you.

On the other hand, you have edited your posts when I pointed out egregious grammatical errors, misspellings, etc. in your posts. Sometimes you note that in your edit... other times, you don't. I rarely delete anything except a typo, but do frequently edit my posts to add thoughts I left out.

I already told you that I too would rather see the focus of this website remain on the topic of Double Guns. Debating with, or confronting a disgusting and deceitful anti-2nd Amendment Troll like King Brown or Ed Good is not something I enjoy.

I would rather not waste hours confronting their anti-gun rhetoric, false data, and anti-gun propaganda. But I also don't have any plans to allow it to stand unchallenged when they are undermining our Constitutional freedoms. I'd think that a military veteran as yourself would be especially sensitive to the deceptive behavior of those who wish to undermine our rights and freedoms by the use of lies and deception. But if you think playing Miss Manners with liars and anti-2nd Amendment Trolls in the name of faux civility is more important, then I guess we will continue to disagree. If you think that you are going to change me, think again.

Originally Posted By: old colonel

While I fervently disagree with King and others on this board I cannot find it in my heart to hate them personally, however repugnant I may find their views.

You say you find King's view repugnant, yet the preponderance of your time in this thread is being critical of me once again. Some things never change. Like hypocrisy.

Yes, I do indeed hate anyone who would work to infringe upon the Constitutional Rights of law abiding gun owners. But there was no hatred in my reply to Ed. Calling him an idiot is actually being kind and generous, no? Also, I find it most hypocritical that you don't see any hateful behavior in those who are pathological and serial liars. I know you confronted King for his off-topic anti-gun Trolling, but your weak little lectures have not, and will not change his dishonest behavior. Only death will do that.

I just hope he doesn't get to abuse his poor frightened dog in any afterlife. Hopefully, atheists like King don't get reunited with their dogs.


Selby Jack James M. Lowndes... but you can call me Jack. smile

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.