Originally Posted By: King Brown
Classic curse, Jack. Look it up. Your alma mater taught you better.

My alma mater taught me to know a rotten pathological lying anti-2nd Amendment Troll when I see one. You and Ed Good are perfect examples of anti-gun trolls.

What did your alma mater teach you? You seem to have majored in lies, deceptive behavior, and anti-gun sentiments. Oh wait, it was Journalism wasn't it??? ... same difference.

You cursed yourself when you continued to post your anti-2nd Amendment crap on a firearms forum centered in a nation where you are not a citizen. Why don't you worry about your own gun rights in Canada, where you can't even legally own a .25 or .32 cal, handgun because of anti-gunners like you?

I wonder how many viewers of this thread find you and your denials of ever seeing any anti-gun sentiment on this board to be truthful... besides your little toady Ed Good??? We all know that Last Dollar will do anything to steer the conversation away from the deceptions of the Liberal Left antigunners such as you and Ed. He's done this many times before. Claims he hates any gun rights discussions, but he is drawn to them like a stupid moth to a flame. FUDDS have always been a detriment, and a source of hope for the anti-gunners.

Tomorrow would be a great day to do that memorial thread for you and all of your anti-gun rhetoric in "Silent Doubles" King. I'm not working, and there are thunderstorms in the forecast. How many people would be so kind and generous to you as to post all of your anti-gun sentiments as a permanent tribute to you and your dishonesty?

Your friend,

Jack B. Nimble smile

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.