I see you making a new reply here Old Colonel. My educated guess is that it won't be about your Louis Christophe/ Jules Bury guns.

For someone who claims he wishes to stay on the topic of double guns... you sure do tend to stray into the field of providing cover for anti-gun trolls.

But pointing out the truth is frequently considered poor form around here. Too bad.

Best wishes,

Jack B. Quick

EDIT: Oops, looks like you had a change of heart and logged out. Considering that, I guess it's safe to say you weren't making a post about your Louis Christophe guns, or putting up those picture of them. If I didn't know better, I'd guess you aren't as interested in doubles as you are in paving a smooth road for anti-gun trolls like King and Ed. You won't change my behavior and response to anti-gun trolls, but death might. So you can always wish I would die. No skin off my ass.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.