Keith your right, King's responses to you have at times lowered him to your level of kindness and manners

I would hope he not respond to your negativity with the same ugliness.

Sad how your actions can sully a place

Originally Posted By: keith

…..Mental illness can hardly explain the kind of dishonesty you exhibit here King. You can keep right on posting denials King, hoping people will forget what you posted in the past. I will keep right on reminding them with your own words, that we have anti-2nd Amendment Trolls right here undermining our rights and stabbing us in the back…..

Originally Posted By: keith

...That about sums up your mindset King. You are sick. You are a mentally ill anti-gun Troll in total denial of facts, clear words, and clear meaning, as patiently and repeatedly explained by the very Framers who wrote those words. And you are dishonest to the core of your being.....

Originally Posted By: keith

.....Please don't make us wait much longer to post your anti-gun legacy in the "Silent Doubles" memorial forum. Please hurry. Don't you want to see if you can abuse your poor dog Jake in the afterlife?...

Originally Posted By: keith

......I'm just sick and tired of having a lying, dog abusing, foreign Socialist piece of crap coming here and attempting to undermine our Constitutional Rights by posting anti-gun propaganda and verifiable falsehoods. There is no joy and no challenge in debating one such as you, who is so totally dishonest as to be in denial of their own unedited words.....

Originally Posted By: keith

..,,,,The final say will be my memorial tribute to you and all of your anti-gun sentiments in Silent Doubles. You deserve it King. You earned it...

Originally Posted By: keith
...You are so f***king stupid....

That is just a few of your pleasant thoughts within this thread

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS