DAM16SXS, I can shoot any gun well, until I buy it and take it home. I have proven it several times including running a hundred straight in Skeet, at a registered shoot, with a gun I was thinking about buying at the time. It must have only had the one straight in it because I never ran another with it after that at a registered shoot. It was great in practice but not in registered shoots. So down the road it went because we all know it is the arrow or the bow not the Indian.

I like going from SxS to O/U to Pumps to Semi Auto guns. I shoot them fairly well, without much need for adjustment. Single trigger, two triggers, short barrels or long, makes no short term difference. In fact, if I had to shoot just one I doubt I would be interested in shooting for long. And my gun room proves my lack of attention span as my wife point out. A few of these, a few of them and a more than a few of those and they all get used for something. I like to hear the sound bang. It makes me smile.