I've never quite understood the rationale behind thinking bluejays were okay for a kid with a BB gun to kill, but cardinals and mockingbirds weren't. I've always kinda liked bluejays. The ones I absolutely refused to shoot with my BB was a bluebird and a tanager, like a scarlet or painted. Sparrows were fair game ............ woodpeckers, yellowhammers, and pigeons were BIG game. I once killed a chicken with my BB, head shot. That was a mistake ............

I can empathize with the old guy in the chair overlooking the bottom, except I'd rather it be a dove shoot. I am aiming to kill a limit of doves on my 100th birthday, which is October 13th (34 years from now), and if they have to call the coroner afterwards, well .......... that will be okay, too.


May God bless America and those who defend her.