Bill, when my dad taught me to shoot and hunt, he drilled into my head that every gun is always loaded. ALWAYS! And no gun's safety works. NEVER EVER! And one never points a gun somewhere they're not prepared to shoot. NEVER!

So I never depend on my safety to be safe.

I know that's not the solution you are after but I treat my Ideal like it's a pigeon gun. I don't use the safety.

I'm very careful about muzzle control, not having my finger inside the guard until ready to shoot and keeping it broken while I'm walking the fields. Not too hard to get used to closing it as you raise it to your shoulder, especially when working with dogs that are giving you a bit of a heads up that "something is nearby....get ready!"

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia