Yeah, we're all about bigger and faster being better in the USA--unfortunately.

You have to be careful converting both pressure and velocity data on foreign shells. 1300 fps sounds pretty hot . . . but I know the Brits sometimes use true muzzle velocity (we measure at 3 feet), and that makes a significant difference. Don't know whether the Italians do the same.

Pressure . . . you have to know whether they're using lead crusher measurements or piezo-electronic. You can't convert from one to the other. No formula.

Sometimes, even when we're speaking English, there's confusion from this side of the pond to our friends across the water.

Ken, here's another vote for RST. They're good in terms of both pressure and velocity. They'll be fine in your son's Flues.

Last edited by L. Brown; 07/17/17 10:48 AM.