One other point is that Steel shot sheds velocity much faster than lead shot being less dense. Sure fast Steel will always be faster at any range than Steel which starts out with slower velocity but the difference past 30 yards becomes trivial to me.

I still think shooters have bought this myth that higher velocity is such a great thing in the first place. I've seen deer hunters going to calibers to gain more velocity, more energy and a flatter shooting bullet. But I often ask them if they think it makes any difference inside 200-250 yards. I think it's just a way to stimulate new gun and ammo sales. Find me a deer which can standup to a 30 06, 270 or 7mm at 200 yards. Most people should limit their ranges more and use proper placement of their load or bullet. You are not fighting off starvation for your family. It's hunting for fun not a life or death issue. And I hate game which is lost to waste because hunters were to dumb or lazy to recover it.