my 2 cents. We are at war. We are at war with Muslims. If you think it isint a religous war, think again. They hate our way of life, our country , our god and us. That is the way of Jihad. A number of Imams (religous leaders) issued fatwahs against the west and the US in particular.

Back in WW2 we had all kinds of names and hatred for our enemies. Were all Japanese and germans evil fascists/nazis etc? No, of course not. But we identified the foe and kept him in our head as the enemy. Makes it easier for a soldier to kill the enemy when they view them as less than human. Oops, I said kill. Hmmm, thats what wars do.

Name a major Islamic leader who has come out condemming the violence precipitated by Muslim extrememists? When, where?? A generalization you might say but seems like most of the terrorism, violence and barbarism in the world today isnt being done by Christians. Thats just a fact.

So because he wants to say what he said about the webiste we cringe, and then wrap our arms around the nearest Muslim to repent for our feelings???? Come on now.

Does this whole discussion belong on this site? I dont know. We have gone off on some serious tangents before and they ran on and on. If you dont like the thread, dont read it or foster its longevity.

As for me, I knwo who the enemy is and will call them as I see them.

Last edited by Brian; 07/17/07 08:33 PM.

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