I'll 'second' what Jim Legg just had to say....

Some years back when all of this Islamic discontent first began to flare up, I took the time to read a literal English translation of the entire Koran (or Quran' for you 'PC' types)- all four hundred and thirty-five pages of it. All that I'll say is to advise those of you that haven't, to do so if you have the chance. It's only about $14 bucks worth at your local bookstore, and it will go a very long ways in explaining what you are witnessing today. Ex. As in why a 'voice' has generally not been forthcoming from the 'moderate' Muslim community condemning mob violence/terrorist acts/etc.

As for CParker's initial post re: the PGCA site, I'm appreciative for the'heads-up', if it's a legitimate concern.....

Rob Harris