guw, one flaw in the German war production was the almost manic drive to produce high quality things. Consumer goods were produced right up to the end in Germany. My uncle took surrender of a small plant making AM radios for civically use even at the end of the war. I've seen guns with proof dates as late as 2/45 so guns production lasted almost to the end as well. I've not seen any poor quality German guns.

I looked at an E boat and thought our PT boats were just thrown together half ass in comparison. But we won because of volume that overwhelmed their quality. If they hade 100 of something we made 1,00 or 10,000 of a lesser version. Tanks were build in place there on part at a time while ours were built on assembly lines. Our Sherman was vastly inferior to the Tiger tank but we built almost 50 times as many. So an exchange rate of 4:1 or 8:1 was sustainable but ferry hard on crews. I had a uncle who was a tanker and he never told a single story about what he had seen or been through. Didn't blame him and never asked him. Some things are best left alone.