Originally Posted By: gjw
Hi Jon, I agree 100% with your statements. The Germans wasted so many resources and material on pet projects and weapons systems that were either taxing on production or a pure wast of time. They could have been better spent on tried and true systems that worked and left the experimentation until after the war. You could spend a lot of time discussing some of these projects and flights of fancy, but they did pave the way for others to develop their ideas after the war. Thank God they didn't develop the bomb before us. If they did I fear we wouldn't be discussing this subject now.

One other thing, folks have this idea that the Nazi Party was this unified organization that was all efficiency and getting things done. Nothing can be further from the truth, the in fighting between officials and sub units of the Party was well known in Germany. Hitler even fostered this in fighting. This divide and conquer policy of his, did not help the war effort one bit.

Looks like we're getting a bit off subject, but an interesting discussion none the less.



Greg -
I have to admire how you have illuminated current events by pretending they are some historical discussion. Pretty clever.

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