My first day was as good as I could want. Boys home and hunting with me. Limits for all and no birds lost which is something I glad to say. I hate watching people shoot over the limit bag limits because they are too lazy or inept to find all their birds. If you can't recover the bird don't take the shot. Knock a bird down then go get him is our method. By having two or more mark the bird it is almost impossible to loose one. Feathers help. smile

I used my late Uncles old Crescent .410 which may be the least valuable gun I own, which is almost priceless to me. With that gun he killed quail in quantities I could never kill in three lifetimes. Those days are gone. He even killed more than a few ducks with it and enough rabbits and squirrels to feed a small army. For reasons he never explained he had one barrel choked I/C and the other XXXF. I watched him drop two birds out a covey many a time and never saw him crush one with the tight barrel. Must have shot their eye out as they use to say.